Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to put pic like this on Paint Shop Pro?

I have Paint shop pro and I'm wonder how to put smaller pics on the big picture like this:

I don't know how to put the small pics on the big pic like that. Plz help me!How to put pic like this on Paint Shop Pro?
If you want to make a copy of an image open in Paint Shop Pro, you'll need to duplicate it. Click on the image and use the following shortcut key: Shift+D (hold the 'shift key' and press 'D';). You should now have two identical images open in your PSP workspace.

a. Click on the copy and resize: Image -%26gt; Resize (experiment...try 35 %).

b. Paste as new layer to original image: Click on copy's title bar and Image -%26gt; Copy, then click on original image's title bar and Edit -%26gt; Paste -%26gt; Paste as new layer.

c. Add slight rotation: Image -%26gt; Rotate -%26gt; Free the right and about 10 degrees.

d. Repeat as many times as you'd like.

If you want to duplicate an image within the same PSP file, you can duplicate the layer. Click on the desired layer on the Layers palette and on the menu bar...Layers -%26gt; Duplicate. You can resize and rotate these layers independently, as long as you have the 'all layers' box deselected in the resize and rotate command dialog boxes.

Hope this helps :)How to put pic like this on Paint Shop Pro?
I have NEVER done this specific task before but I do use some of the software you are asking about. If I wanted to do what you are asking about I would open PSP twice. Select one and put the photo in it and size it to suit you. In the second iteration of PSP I would open another copy of the photo and size it to be the biggest of the small photos. Then basically drag and drop it where you want it on the master photo. If that works, and I am not guaranteeing it will, but if it works, just repeat the process with progressively smaller photos until you have the desired degree of depth in the Master Photo.

Good luck, I hope that works. It is just an educated guess on my part but I think it will do what you want.

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